Kamis, 06 September 2018

The Alluring Sky

Could you see another world from the sky? It was not along with all diverse ways. It just was done by you in the future. The developing clouds still could pretend how it may be. Please, face to the sky. It started when dry has gone from another day. Could you hear the sound vibe of the sky? Some of them never been seen a while in the sky. Always be the sky. In the sky, could you hit your voice slowly? The sky is not the same as clouds. No and Never. However, it is the load for the earth but it is not for the sky. It is elevated than other to compare how much time to attain the top of the sky. When the earth never become the sky, the sky wants to transform the beautiful part of the earth. And how with the world? Is it merely as treasure where the sky still cover the earth? No, when the eye of weather catching the one cloud, it signed as the fragrance weather that emerges the sky with the earth. They are separated by the conditions but really never divided as one of the worlds. The sky always makes two moment that is from astonishing earth. The one from the bright and light temperature, it regularly happens when the air brings out clearly and make the shining sun is on fire. But when it was felt by the sky, no clouds mask the earth.  It is blooming day. One day, it has occurred distinctly, the sky draws the clouds with full of condensate air. The lovely picture captured by the earth. There is a lot of shape from the clouds, acquire the balance of temperature. However, the sky carries on another light, it takes place when the cheerful sun with the remainder of the water from the clouds meet up. The world is not enough to provide them, it collects all of their sorrow once. Also, the world can gather the sky and the earth convert to alluring frames. In addition to the sky, the world realizes that more luminous drawing, in fact, no fake. The other world desires to determine the sparkling sky with all the light from the sun but it totally falls to the earth. It revealed the magnificent pieces of the sky. How do they spell the next sky to fit with the earth without the alerting world in this charming day?

The Shining Star

They capture their ambitions, more and more in true line but never absorb the one of their light. Sometimes, it can be discovered by themselves with honest and open or another their representations. It just solely have known from the story of light and it always fractures the other thinking about them. They become the excellent star in the way they want, make it slowly and faster according to how they comprehend themselves. Anything or something like the colorful path to achieve their vision is absolutely never create another of themselves. One day, it got changed to more difficult to replay and remember how they are shine. What exactly the most beautiful moment in life, is it euphoria or anxiety? But it never gains to alter the way to look the world. Mostly they receive more powerful heart behind than people's babbling out outro the world. In the sky, one of the other stars breaks all the fear that it always wrong. No and no other. The route turns out dissimilar from the first when it arrives in the sky. Would it be the fear become be tremendous frightened? The shining star begins the journey. Over the world, it looks like the beauty in the sky but in fact, it spends much time to have an own bright and light. Still equal to the previous star? The road of the sky is better known as the interchangeable story of light. Where? In every single sky that has not been constant and forming. Another world continues to hunt the bright sky to rebuild the connection between the one of the previous sky and the stars. A moment where the star evolves to shining star in the sky. The sky renders the star become quickly to reach the high light, get through another light in the world that is light of the world. It is from the soul of kindness and joyful of human's earth.

The Spectrum of Light

A single day has become load spectrum and get easily the true world but it could not escape from the sun. It is not rebellion that reveals whose is. Could the sun imagine the day? Could the day passes without the sun that goes or the day be must be hidden from the sun? A load of the sun never come back to its initial when the day changed to the dark and also the night is part of the single day. Could you tell me the story of the sun? Someday the sun alters to light spectrum and produces one of the color pallets in the dark sky. It never is seen after a long time in the single day. The air smells the wind through all fears of the dark sky. It could not imagine as lighter than one sky, it slow and smooth. Not really happened in the single day but the winds protect from its darkness. Could you think easily? How were they one in scary conditions? Through the world may be, the result presents every single day that the load can be disappeared each part on the sky. Hearing and listening to the singing winds is look the better part if the sky sounds. The tone of the single day always brighter and never meet up the worst stone of tone. How the sun spell the spectrum to the sky? Never got the part quickly in the way sun missing the part of the sky. The flower sky arrives soon to introduce how far the spectrum spread over the sky colorfully.

The Blooming Flower

It could be recalled the blooming day when shining star was not through the moonlight. The day, the sun rises before it gloom the sky into the star in the night sky. If this time would be handled the sun, it gets more difficult when the flower grow. The time stands still the same away and along time pass all the sky but it is not lost easily. Never, the sun would not appreciate its worst and hold the right time for the flower. It takes several times until it is bright shining flower, more flawless to the flower blooming. Say it loudly, erase all of the darkness in the sky. Sound vibration of flower never enough to recognize the power of the bright sun. The flower revealed it is not today to achieve the climax of the bright shine. It comes alongside with the air which touches the west wind in the silence. Smelling and fragrance flower separate another hand to kick off the black seeds on this green land. Spread away all the blooming flower. Another time, the day rebuild the cracking sun in the green land. Rainy and snow could be one part of the sun. The flower easily burning into the fire, think again how the big sun reminds it and never appear when the fresh air wants to smell the blooming flower. It is counted away as the sun gives the best way for the flower. Something may be wrong or right. Its influence of fragrance flower can close and escape from the black hole of the sky. Far away from here, the sun and the sky need their time to bloom the flower. After the sky opens on time, best flower regenerates the fragrance and achieve most smelling in the bright sun. Would the flower continue it is riding the wind in the shining sky? Begin, this journey with the warm flower is blooming as the sunny day. 

The Light Sun

Corner of the dark, it was found in time. It compiled all the dust which spread out over the sky and not allowed to be one unit until the path was straight away. The way was not same with range to light on, it was more difficult to walk on but not crawl on. The change was not the problem to prove that color of light was not delivered from own sky. Altering the light was not enough to enhance the wonderful song from the sky. Get in on your own way to hear it. The light could be one of the reasons to show the best of self-right way. One the way the sky, the sky was not representing the main part of the light. Fall and fall to fill the color life of the light. The dust, one of snowflake could be watching the moonlight when the darkness disappeared. Still the same way, light could shape the colorful sky appear on when existing the rainbow.  After a way, time put on snowflake higher than the dust which discovers the light. It is first snow to lose from the light. Far away, the sky arises the luxurious one color of light, bring the snow to change the temperature of the sky. Will it light on the sky? The light did not prevent the snow and how they become close and gather in winter. The light caught the sky and arrange the dust of snowflake which falls in winter. Is it easy? The story of light, how to spell it, it had not broken by the time when the condition of light become brighter than time to time. The process of light getting smaller and it was not described well how the color made snowflake in the moonlight. It explained that no one has known the air join and open another light from the sky. Well, the entry door has arrived on time so please more care about the caution and the light disparate way. The light is one of snow and air in the darkness. Watch it carefully.

The Truth Untold

Best of the world, best of time, all the best of people. Every day in every condition, the statement depends on your right. Neither is wrong or right, not include the world worried become heavier every time. Sometimes, unbelievable time according to whose knowledge is not wrong. Never change, never wrong, never right. First, it adds on their day, makes it easy in the end. One small step introduces time and day to more comfortable for the condition. The cloud did not appear in light or another light in the sky. Timing sky never saw the best how the light on every day. It was not only about counting time at the beginning world but it would be starting time how the light can shine in another day. The mask even bigger to hold in front of the world. Why could it be unconditional mask ever? A day, it breaks through shining star until all of the galaxies is not lost. Try or hide on the mask get never been changed, still on the light. The other, heat transfer successfully, brings out streams without air after the world is gone. Imagine it and impossible, only air could produce the cloud show on time. Never so fast, if it only beside the doubtless. One time, the story was stopped by time, no more its slow cloud perform well. Just one day, the dream never tell the truth, called the truth untold of the sky. Tomorrow, every effort only perceive in one direction to converse the calculation world. It is alright that spring day mostly travels circumstances without knowing other words in the galaxy.

Everybody says no to have more dreams, it was only life memories at 4 o'clock when the sun initiate to disappear. Dark is over now. The first beginning question conducts the world to hide all light on its dark until the answer appears brightly. The world can't reveal the truth behind all the happening day, still same. The story informed peculiar world which has been not executed well. Light on the sky and the prime star only notice on the top rainbow. The time is not getting close to the world until it extends its balance. The wonder of happiness sky exhibits the time to open the world with one condition. The tear remained recall one time the story of the light because the world turns into truly happened early time. Epiphany, the world now is getting closer to the galaxy, it could be converted to another singularity. Another cloud which has disclosed arrives and says its serendipity, it called all world euphoria. Another day should not listen to the closing time of two galaxies. Let it go and fine without know. Evening, have you feel how the time erases all of the world memories, it shines and dark. It was a day with the fake dream. Fake world. What is it? Babbling out? Never go to change? And easily holding time to back? The world had never stopped laugh about the day when it closer to the top of a galaxy and construct it over blue in one sky. Sometimes it called fake. Hiding one of the skies only eliminate the temperature of the day.

Heat reoccur abundantly and cut all day become snow in single time. How could it happen when the bright sky over the world? It was magic in the worlds' dream. Could one rainfall sweep the tears at the same time? Best of world and best of time? Right or wrong? The answer is best of best. 


   Before the moonshine came out to announce the day will be clear with shining stars, the sun has been informed to the sky do not move thos...