Kamis, 06 September 2018

The Light Sun

Corner of the dark, it was found in time. It compiled all the dust which spread out over the sky and not allowed to be one unit until the path was straight away. The way was not same with range to light on, it was more difficult to walk on but not crawl on. The change was not the problem to prove that color of light was not delivered from own sky. Altering the light was not enough to enhance the wonderful song from the sky. Get in on your own way to hear it. The light could be one of the reasons to show the best of self-right way. One the way the sky, the sky was not representing the main part of the light. Fall and fall to fill the color life of the light. The dust, one of snowflake could be watching the moonlight when the darkness disappeared. Still the same way, light could shape the colorful sky appear on when existing the rainbow.  After a way, time put on snowflake higher than the dust which discovers the light. It is first snow to lose from the light. Far away, the sky arises the luxurious one color of light, bring the snow to change the temperature of the sky. Will it light on the sky? The light did not prevent the snow and how they become close and gather in winter. The light caught the sky and arrange the dust of snowflake which falls in winter. Is it easy? The story of light, how to spell it, it had not broken by the time when the condition of light become brighter than time to time. The process of light getting smaller and it was not described well how the color made snowflake in the moonlight. It explained that no one has known the air join and open another light from the sky. Well, the entry door has arrived on time so please more care about the caution and the light disparate way. The light is one of snow and air in the darkness. Watch it carefully.

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